
Is your analytical brain preventing you from writing characters with depth?

You’re dying to write a thriller, and you’ve got a killer plot, but your characters aren’t cutting it. I get it, you’re more of a number’s person. Emotions aren’t your thing. For years I was like that too, but then I found the clues and finally solved the mystery. Let me help you create characters readers will die for.

Nancy Clements, Second Act Book Coaching

Begin your second act and craft your novel with Nancy Clements, an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach®.

Start your second act like these authors did

Book Coaching Packages, Second Act Book Coaching

Harper Lee was in Law School and then wrote To Kill a Mockingbird

Khaled Hosseini was a practicing doctor while he wrote The Kite Runner

Book Coaching Packages, Second Act Book Coaching
Book Coaching Packages, Second Act Book Coaching

Fyodor Dostoyevsky was an engineer and then wrote Crime and Punishment

I have no way of knowing if you’re capable of writing one of the greatest works of literature like Dostoyevsky
or a book that still has relevance long after it was written like Lee,
But you’ll never know until you try.

You don’t have to quit your day job to write your novel; but you may want to.

If you’ve always wanted to write a book and are looking for your next act - contact Second Act Book Coaching

Book Coaching Packages, Second Act Book Coaching

Book Coaching Packages

Step by step, you’ll turn your book concept into a comprehensive outline. And then chapter by chapter you’ll turn the outline into a novel.

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Starting a New Project

Ready to start a new project? We'll use 'Blueprint for a Novel' by Jennie Nash to lay your story's groundwork.

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Ready to Write

Perfect for writers who've completed the Blueprint or have a clear story concept. Each deadline, submit 20-pages. Edits will focus on plot, backstory, and character.

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Already have a manuscript

Choose 'Perfecting the Story' for a comprehensive developmental edit. Opt for 'Navigating the Industry' to refine your pitch and more.

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Self-paced Learning

Flexible self-paced courses. Once you've completed the course, book a free introductory consultation. Look for the "book consultation" at the top of this page.

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    Nancy is an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach.

    As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, my specialty is helping writers who have dreamed of being an author but have commitments that have up to this point taken precedence. As a writer who learned the craft of writing while holding a day job, I struggled for years to find the time and the right technique to plan and write the novel I was meant to write. Now that I’ve found it, I want to share it with other aspiring writers.
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